Sunday, December 16, 2012

जन्माष्टमी : पर्व या व्यवसाय

यूँ  तो कहने  के  लिए  कृष्ण-कन्हैया  का  जन्म  मथुरा  में  हुआ, उनकी  बाल  लीलाएँ गोकुल  में  हुई, रास-लीला  वृन्दावन  में  और  अंत  में  पूरे  गोकुल  वासियों  को  लेकर  बसे  द्वारका  में. तो  आखिर  महाराष्ट्र  में  मटकी  फोड़ने  की  प्रथा  कैसे?

विष्णु  के  आठवें   अवतार  श्री  कृष्ण  के  जन्मदिवस  को  जन्माष्टमी  पर्व  के  नाम  से  जाना  जाता  है. इस  त्यौहार  के  और  भी  कई  नाम  हैं  जैसे  कृष्णाष्टमी, सातम  आठम, गोकुलाष्टमी, अष्टमी  रोहिणी, श्रीकृष्ण  जयंती, श्री  जयंती  और  कृष्ण  जन्माष्टमी. हिन्दू  कैलेंडर  के  मुताबिक  भाद्र महीने  (August-September) की  अमावस्या  के  आठवें दिन  ये  पर्व  धूम-धाम  से  देश  के  अलग  अलग  हिस्सों  में  मनाया  जाता  है.

पर  वो  तीन  राज्य  जो  गोकुलाष्टमी  के  लिए  बहुत  प्रसिद्ध  हैं, वो  हैं  उत्तर  प्रदेश, गुजरात  और  महाराष्ट्र. उत्तर  प्रदेश  में  प्रसिद्ध  होना  लाजमी  है, आखिर  वहीँ  के  शहरों  में  उनका  जन्म  हुआ, बचपन  बिता, राधारानी  से  प्रेम  हुआ, तरह-तरह  की  लीलाएँ  की, अपने  क्रूर  मामा  कंस  का  वध  किया, यहाँ  तक  की  माखन, दूध  से  भरी  मटकियाँ  भी  वहीँ  की  गलियों  में  फोड़ी. गुजरात  के  द्वारका  शहर  में  भी  ये  पर्व  प्रचिलित  है  क्योंकि  यहाँ  भी  कान्हा  जी  का  वास  था.

फिर, दूध, माखन, दही  से  भरी  मटकी  आखिर  महाराष्ट्र  के  मुंबई  और  पुणे  शहर में  कैसे  पहुंची? क्यों छोटे -बड़े  “गोविंदा” अपनी  जान  जोखिम में  डाल  कर  मानव  pyramid बनाते हुए  ये  त्यौहार  मानते  हैं?.

ये  प्रथा  अठारहवीं सदी  में  उस  समय  कहे  जानेवाले  बम्बई  के  गिरगाँव इलाके  में  “पठारे  प्रभु”  कम्युनिटी  ने  शुरू  की  थी. ये  बहुत  ही  समृद्ध  कम्युनिटी  थी  जिनके  नीचे कई  किसान  काम  किया  करते  थे . ये  किसान  “कुनबी”  कम्युनिटी  के थे. पठारे प्रभु,  श्री कृष्ण के  भक्त  थे  इसीलिए जन्माष्टमी  के  दिन  दोनों  कम्युनिटी  मिलकर मानव  pyramid बनाते  थे  और  ऊंचाई  पर  टंगी  दूध,  माखन  से   भरी   मिट्टी  से बनी  मटकी  को तोड़ते थे.  ये  pyramid  बनाते  वक़्त  कोई  ऊँच-नीच  नहीं  देखी जाती  थी.  हर  कोई  पूरी  श्रधा से  बिना  मन  में  लालच  लिए  ये  त्यौहार  मनाते  थे. और  साथ  ही  टाँगे   पर  श्री कृष्ण  की  मूर्ति  बिठा  कर  और  कृष्ण  की  झाकियां लगा  कर  पूरे  इलाके  में  घुमाते थे.  

ये  प्रथा 1950s से  चलती  रही  फिर  गिरगाँव, गाँव  से  शहर  बन  गया  और  बड़ी  मीनें  खत्म  हो  गईं.  फिर  वहां  के  निवासी  मुंबई  शहर  के  अलग  अलग  हिस्सों  में  बस  गए  लेकिन  जहाँ  बसे  वहीँ  ये  प्रथा  शुरू  करा  दी.  पर  अब  ये  पर्व  मनाने  में  फ़र्क  आया  है. अब  टांगो  में  झांकियों  की  जगह  ट्रक  भर  कर  गोविंदा  घूमते  हैं. 

और  धीरे  धीरे  ये  पर्व  अब  एक  स्पर्धा  के  रूप  में  देखा  जाने  लगा  है.  ये  पैसे  कमाने  का  एक  ज़रिया  बन  गया  है.  और  इस  बदलाव  का  एक  मुख्य  कारण  है  बड़े  व्यवसाइयों  और  राजनेताओं  द्वारा  मटकी  तोड़ने  पर  लाखों  का  इनाम  देना.  इसके  चलते  ये  बाल-गोपाल  और  गोविंदा  कई  महीनों  से  इसकी तयारी  में  जुट  जाते  हैं.  ज्यादा  से  ज्यादा  मटकी  तोड़ने  और  ज्यादा  कमाने  की  चाह  में कभी  कभी मानवता  कहीं  खो  जाती  है  और  हर  साल  इस  पर्व  के  दौरान  2-4 लोगों  की  मौत की खबर  सुनने  में  आ  ही  जाती  है.  राजनेता  अपना  उल्लू साधने  में  कई  मासूमों  की  जान  जोखिम  में डालते  हैं.  आज  ये  स्पर्धा  इस  कदर  बढ  गई  है  कि  सिर्फ  मुंबई  में  लगभग  4000  मटकियों  को तोड़ने  के  लिए  करीब  2000 गोविंदा  मंडलियाँ  हैं.  पहले  सिर्फ  पुरुष  ही इसमें  हिस्सा लेते  थे,  लेकिन  अब  महिलाएं  और  नेत्र-हीन भी इस "व्यवसाय" में कूद पड़े हैं.
इससे  ये  तो  पता  चलता  है  कि  स्पर्धा  काफी कड़ी  है  लेकिन  एक  सवाल जो  उठता  है वो  ये  कि  इस हर्सौल्लास के त्यौहार  को  एक  त्यौहार  के  रूप  में  ही देखना  चाहिए  या  एक स्पर्धा  और व्यावसायिक  रूप  में  देखना  चाहिए?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mumbaiya Politics

I believe that three things which drive Mumbai are its Nightlife, which I think is vanishing now; thanks to ACP Vasant Dhoble, Crime, and Politics.
In Rohit Shetty’s film Singham, there is a dialogue “Yahan politics main system ho ya na ho, lekin system main politics jaroor hota hai”. We can refer Yahan as Mumbai (in fact India, but let’s narrow it down to Mumbai). 
So, Mumbai main, politics main system ho ya na ho, lekin system main politics jaroor hota hai

Before Independence:
Let us start with an era when there was British rule in India. Bombay and Politics are intertwined since 1885. The first session of the National Congress Party was held in Bombay from 28–31 December 1885. During the first fifty years, it held six sessions of National Congress Party. Later during the 20th century it became a strong base for the Indian independence movement.

After Independence:
After Independence, in 1960s Bombay saw the rise of regional parties. On 19 June 1966, Shiv Sena party was formed which headed a campaign to expel South Indian and North Indians migrants forcefully. From Independence until the early 1980s, the Congress had dominated the politics of Bombay, but in 1985 Shiv Sena won the Bombay municipal corporation elections.

Different parties in Bombay/Mumbai:
To remove the Congress in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a major national political party, in 1989, formed an alliance with the Shiv Sena. In 1999, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) separated from the Congress, but later allied with the Congress, to form a joint venture known as the Democratic Front.  Currently, other parties such as Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), Samajwadi Party (SP), Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and several independent candidates also contest elections in the city.
Parties those are very prominent in Mumbai are-
  1. Indian National Congress: It is a major political party in founded in Bombay in 1885. The party is currently the chief member of the ruling United Progressive Alliance coalition headed by Sonia Gandhi.
  2. Shiv Sena (SS): It is aright-wing Hindu party, formed on 19 June 1966 by Balasaheb Thackeray.
  3. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP): On 25th May 1999, Sharad Pawar, Shri P. A. Sangma and Shri Tariq Anwar and other hundreds of their political supporters decided to form this new Political Party. Sharad Pawar was elected President.
  4. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS): Raj Thackeray left the Shiv Sena in December 2005 and formed Maharashtra Navnirman Sena in March 2006. He is a nephew of Bal Thackeray. Like his uncle, Raj Thackeray also headed a campaign to expel North Indian migrants by force.
In the Indian national elections held every five years, Mumbai is represented by six parliamentary constituencies: Mumbai North, Mumbai North West, Mumbai North East, Mumbai North Central, Mumbai South Central, and Mumbai South. A Member of Parliament (MP) to the Lok Sabha, is elected from each of the parliamentary constituencies.

In the Maharashtra state assembly elections which are held every five years, Mumbai is represented by 36 assembly constituencies. A Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) to the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha, is elected from each of the assembly constituencies.

Along with this, elections are also held every five years to elect corporators in the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). The Corporation comprises 227 directly elected Councillors representing the 24 municipal wards, five nominated Councillors having special knowledge or experience in municipal administration, and a Mayor. The tenure of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Municipal Commissioner is two and a half years.

Since there are many parties who wants to rule on Mumbai, there are always some or the other disputes. One party having rally for some reason then other one organising a rally for other. The only thing parties believe in is how to manipulate common person and create vote bank. It is said that Mumbai is a favorite place for terrorists and attackers. Mumbai is the financial capital of India. The politics in Mumbai has a great influence on the politics at the national level.

If financial capital is not in a good state, then obvious it will affect the whole country. But it is spirit of Mumbaikars who runs it. (I sometime doubts, it’s a spirit of Mumbaikar or the majboori.) Unfortunately there is politics everywhere, not in terms of political parties only but in a way Mumbai works, which corrupts the system. Hence whenever we hear of word ‘Politics’ most of us make faces and say ye toh gutter hai, saaf karne jayenge toh khud ke haath gande honge.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

ETAWAH: The Land of Talents

Etawah, my native place, is a city in the state Uttar Pradesh near Yamuna River. It is a part of a Kanpur Division. Also Etawah is a place of sangam between Yamuna and Chambal.  If go in the history of the city, it was an important center for the Revolt of 1857.

Etawah - Constituency map Uttar Pradesh

Chambal ki Gattis are close to Etawah city, hence it is a notorious city even today. But today I, Anusha Pathak, want all of you to know that my native in not that bad as everyone thinks. Etawah is a land of talents too and here I am presenting few amazing talents of Etawah people.
1.      Ustad Imdad Khan (1848–1920), Instrumental Classical Musician: Even though his father Ustad Sahabdab Khan was the founder of Etawah Gharana, which comes from the most ancient school of music, the Gwalior Gharana, Ustad Imdad Khan was the one who developed the instruments, and created an innovative instrumental style that became characteristic of the Etawah gharana. The gharana is also called as Imdadkhani Gharana.

Ustad Imdad Khan was born in Agra, but later shifted to Etawah. He was taught by his father Ustad Sahabdab Khan and the legendary beenkar Bande Ali Khan. He had served to kings of Mysore and Indore. He also played for Queen Victoria in Delhi.

In the 19th century, Senia style was dominating in the instrumental classical music of Northern India. But, Ustad Imdad Khan introduced the element of Khayal gayaki into the alap of the first time. All gayaki ornamentations were implemented and systematically developed into the techniques for this newly developed style for playing sitar.

Ustad Imdad Khan was the first Sitar player to come out with a recording.

2.      Devesh Singh Chauhan (1980), Hockey Player of India: Devesh Chauhan has born on November 12, 1980 in Etawah. He is a Hockey goalkeeper from India. In early 2000, Devesh Chauhan made his international debut for the Men’s National Team. He represented India twice at the Olympics in 2000 (Sydney Australia) and in 2004 (Athens, Greece) where India finished in seventh place on both the occasions.

In the year 2001, Champions Challenge for Men was the inaugural tournament of Champions Challenge which held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Devesh Chauhan was the goal keeper of Indian Hockey team at that time. India defeated South Africa by 2-1 in the final to win the competition.

3.      Gopaldas Saxena ‘Neeraj’ (1924), Poet and Song Writer: E bhai zara dekh ke chalo song from Mera Naam Joker, would always remind you of Raj Kapoor and Manna Day. But Gopaldas Saxena ‘Neeraj’ (or popularly known as Neeraj as it is his pen name) was the one who wrote the song. Not only this but many songs like O meri Sharmili from Sharmili, Phulon ke rang se, dil ki kalam se from Prem Pujari, both sung by Shri Kishore Kumar. Rangeela re from Prem Pujari sung by Lata Mangeshkarji, Mera man tera pyasaa from Gambler sung by Mohammed Rafi and many more.

‘Neeraj’ji is among the best known poets and authors in Hindi literature. He is also famous poet of Hindi Kavi Sammelan. He has many collections i.e., “Neeraj ki Paati”, “Baadlon se Salaaam Leta Hoon”, “Geet jo Gaye Nahi” etc.

He was born on January 4, 1924 in the small village Ekdil of Etawah. His style is easy to understand but is compared with high quality Hindi literature.
Besides writing he was the Professor of Hindi Literature in Aligarh.

In the year 2007, he was awarded Padma Bhushan. Recently in the March of this year 2012, he recited some of his works at Annual Inter-College Cultural festival, Spoculit of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow. Nowadays he works as the Chancellor of Mangalayatan University, Aligarh.

4.      Mulayam Singh Yadav (1939), Ex-Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh: Mulayan Singh Yadav is an Indian politician, head of Samajwadi Party (SP) from Uttar Pradesh. He was born on November 22, 1939 in the village Saifai of Etawah. He did his education from different colleges of Uttar Pradesh like K. K College, Etawah, A. K. College, Shikohabad and B. R. College, Agra University.

He was the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh thrice from 1989-1991, 1993-1995 and 2003-2007. He also served as Minister of Defence (1996-1998) in the United Front government.  His supporters call him Netajee and Dhartiputra. Mulayam Singh is a dedicated follower of Indian socialist leaders like Raj Narain and Ram Manohar Lohia.

Now his son Akhilesh Yadav (1973), who was also born in Saifai village, is Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He took his primary education from Saint Mary School, Etawah.

5.      K. Asif (1922-1971), Film Director: Asif Karim was born on June 14, 1922 in Etawah. He was a film director, film producer and screenwriter. He is most famous for his work for the epic Hindi movie Mughal-e-Azam (1960).
Asif Karim went to Bombay to his brother-in-law Nazir Ahmed Khan and later took the name K. Asif. His directorial debut was Phool (1945), with a star cast of Prithviraj Kapoor, Durga Khote and Suraiya, which did well on box-office. Later he came up with the Mughal-e-Azam in 1960 with Dilip Kumar and Madhubala, which bagged him the status of legend despite his very few work.

The other film he made was Hulchul in 1951. While shooting on another film Love and God, K. Asif died on March 9, 1971 at the age of 48.

Along with all these eminent personalities and specialties of Etawah, former Indian President, late Dr. Zakir Hussain (February 8, 1897) pursued his school education in H.M.S Islamia Inter College, Etawah which is an epitome of unity and good relations between Hindus and Muslims. 

So from all this we can see that Etawah, my native place, a small city of Uttar Pradesh, India, has so much of talent within itself. Etawah has given many prominent personalities to India in different fields like Music, Sports, Literature, Politics, and Films etc.
Hence, I can say even if it is notorious place, thanks to Chambal ke Daakus, it has given me many more reasons to say that I am proud of my native place. I am proud of Etawah.